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Below is a photograph of me (right) and the ODYSSEY Media Group Print Editor-in-Chief Audrey Enghauser (left), who is also my best friend. We're holding a copy of Issue 1 of the ODYSSEY Newsmagazine on the day we passed it out to advisements around the school. We worked really hard to prepare these stories for publication, so seeing and holding the newsmagazine in person felt incredible. 

Highlights: Image

Below are photographs of my contributions to ODYSSEY Newsmagazine as a writer and a photographer. In my position as Print Managing Editor, I edit all stories in the newsmagazine and I write the "Boiling Point" column, in which I have content freedom. Included is a photo of the cover, my column, and the two stories that I contributed to visually. 

Highlights: Text
Highlights: Work

Abstract: "Good ol' Southern biscuits" was written by a staffer named Emily Couch. She's a senior who joined the staff this year, and I had so much fun getting to know her through this. We drove to a restaurant called Mama's Boy together, and from there we spent the day learning how to make biscuits. It was a great bonding experience, and I enjoyed getting to know another staffer. Now I'm proud to call Emily a friend.​


Abstract: "Burrito Battle" was a lot of fun. Photographing this for the Variety section of the newsmagazine was a nice change of pace because I got to tap into one of the more creative types of photography that I enjoy exploring, while also connecting with staffers I don't work with as often in a setting outside of the classroom. 

Highlights: Text
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